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The Atlantic Rainforest

The Atlantic Rainforest

The Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica in Portuguese) is a major tropical and subtropical biome that stretches over 3,000 km from the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the far northeast of Brazil along the eastern seaboard into Paraguay and northern Argentina. It is many millions of years old and it used to cover a range of 1.3 million km2 of which less than 10% remains intact today.  

A unique ecosystem with a high degree of endemism (plants and animals found nowhere else) and one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. Approximately 20,000 trees, half of them endemic, 250 species of mammals (55 endemic), 340 amphibian (90 endemic), 26 primate (17 endemic) and 1,023 bird (188 endemic) species have been identified. These now face extinction due to habitat loss. 

The area is extremely fertile with high rainfall and abundant sunlight, as many existing projects have shown, habitat restoration are ideal.  

If the forest is given a chance and the right support, it will return, and its rich biodiversity will follow. 

TBN deliver high quality restoration of Atlantic Rainforest at scale.